Which brings me to my point. Those that rally about welfare and "social justice" do not understand either. Welfare being financial or other assistance to an individual or family from a city, state, or national government. Social justice being the equal distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society. As it turns out, you can't have both. Why you might ask? I'll tell you. Because you asked nicely. Food stamps, unemployment, WIC, section 8, medicare or caid, healthcare, or any other form of government assistance are provided by money. Simple right? Wrong. The government is not a business. None of it's offices create anything that anyone is buying. So, how do they get their money? Taxes. Where do taxes come from? Not from storks or Santa, I'll tell you that much. Taxes come from working A-mericans. They do a job, their employer (who also pays a tremendous amount of taxes on their revenue) pays them, and Uncle Sam takes a percentage of it based on how much they earn in a year. Then, our government takes that money and disperses it amongst it's various offices (flushes it down several high grade toilets. With jet engines providing the suction). Several of those offices take care of the different aspects of our welfare system.
In short: you pay the government part of the money you earned, they pay themselves, and then disperse some of what' left amongst people without ambition or a sense of self dependency. No, I'm not talking about the exceptions.
"But wait a minute. Didn't you say that social justice was an equal distribution?" Yes, yes I did. According to the definition social justice means communism, or capitalism if you were watching closely. The great thing about America is that opportunities are available for everyone. Now I know all of you bleeding hearts out there are worried about those in slums and those that grew up in broken homes that just don't have that leg up. Here's a tip for you: don't ever, ever go full retard. Both of my parents were drug addicts. I left when I was 15. I've slept in cars, parking lots, and very scary woods. I went to 5 different highschools (working the whole time) and graduated with a 3.8. I got out of highschool and got a job. I've been doing that for 5 years now. I'm in my second year of college with a 4.0. Everyone has the same opportunities dipshit.
Where was I? Oh, if you take money from someone doing what they can to succeed (money being an advantage, obviously) and give it to someone else that isn't trying to succeed what have you done? You've created a socially unjust society. You've also taken away incentives to succeed. "I'd find a job, but my unemployment doesn't run out for another 3 months." Yes, I heard someone say that.
To be clear: you cannot take away something rightfully earned from someone and give it to someone who hasn't earned it and it be just. Welfare x 0 = social justice. Or Welfare x infinite = social justice. Charity should come from the church or community, but that's a different blog all together.
As far as equally distributing disadvantages, that's just preposterous. And, it's communism. Every time someone got a cent more than someone else, you'd have to take it away from them. Every time someone lost a limb and couldn't work, you'd have to start lopping appendages off one by one. I'd go further, but it seems obvious.
Don't get me wrong. Welfare only takes up about 6% of our GDP and I understand that there are those that really need it, but there are a lot more that use it and don't. You've all seen the Jaguar driving, food stamp using, nine kid having, jobless leeches that plague our society. You've probably also seen the Moe Rons that preach about the disadvantaged and disenfranchised that only need a helping hand to make their lives better. The Constitution was talking about a different kind of welfare. Try reading it and The Declaration of Independence. You might learn something. Let the left wing, bleeding heart assault begin! I am an AMERICAN, and I succeed. It's what we do.